Y'all, there's a lot of stupid shit on the internet. Sport corsets. Fetish shoes. BDSM fans. But I swear, this shit is the stupidest ever: makeup. for your boobs. The "My Beautiful Breasts Kit" includes seven shades of powdery stuff, "primer", "setting spray", two brushes, and, get this: semi-permanent "bust stain". So you can have makeup on your boobs even when you're sweaty. For fuck's sake. I'm sure someone rad-femmier than me could produce a highly nuanced review of this fucking ridiculous product, but I am clearly reduced to swearing and sputtering.

How might a cranky old ranty-pants run across something so pink, so artificial, so patriarchally endorsed, so stupid? Well you might ask. I found a review of said product on a website called "Vital Juice", which purports to be a website about health and wellness. What the fuckity fuck does boob make-up have to do with health and wellness, I ask you?
Breast make up. That is one of the most depressing things I've ever heard of.
Nice blog.
Pretty much a product of our shallow society where women are supposed to be ready, willing and eager to say "yes" at the drop of a hat. Sad to think that some women really think such is a required accessory, but then again, drinking the gender bender kool-aid is also required except to those few who question such.
What the fuckity fuck does boob make-up have to do with health and wellness, I ask you?
Ack I know! Pretty sure that 'health and wellness' is code for 'patriarchy/beauty compliant'. That's why 'men's health' is all about how to better dominate women, and 'women's health' is all about looking as much as possible like something a man would want to dominate.
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